Win64-bit Oracle_11gR2 database installation + PL SQL Developer, win64oracle_11gr2
Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here (For 64-bit Intel Macs, download Java for Mac OS X 10.5, Update 1. For the latest version of Mac OS, use the Software Update feature) Download the file for OS X on the Downloads page; Double-click the SQL Developer icon. HTTP Client for Mac OS v.0.9.1 Developer tool for debugging HTTP services by graphically creating and inspecting complex HTTP messages. BaseElements for Mac OS v.2.0 A FileMaker developer tool to analyze and document your FileMaker database solutions. It provides a cross reference of every element in your solution and helps developers find.
Download required software:
Oracle_11gR2 and instantclient-basic-nt- and plsqldev9
Download link:
Step 1: Install Oracle_11gR2
In the displayed 'configuration Security Update' window, cancel 'I want to accept security updates through My Oracle Support' and click 'Next ':
In the 'Installation Options' window, select 'Create and configure Database' and click 'Next ':
In the system class window, select desktop class and click Next ':
In the 'typical installation' window, select the Oracle base Directory, select 'Enterprise Edition' and 'default', enter the unified password Oracle11g, and click 'Next ':
In the prerequisite check window, click Next ':
In the 'summary' window, click 'finish' to install:
The installation process is as follows:
After the Database is created, the following 'Database Configuration Assistant' interface appears:
Select 'password management' to view and modify the following users:
(1) normal user: SCOTT (password: tiger)
(2) General Administrator: SYSTEM (password: manager)
(3) Super administrator: SYS (password: change_on_install)
After the modification is complete, click OK '.
In the 'finish' window, click 'close.
Step 2: Decompress the instantclient-basic-nt- to the installation directory
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I put it in the F: CMDL product directory
Step 3: install and configure PLSQL Developer
PLSQL Developer can be installed normally.
The configuration is as follows:
After the installation is complete, run PL/SQL Developer. Embrilliance essentials embroidery software for mac & pc free. In this case, the logon form cannot be logged on. Click the Calcel button and it will enter in the non-Logon status.
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Click OK.
Configure the new environment variable:
TNS_ADMIN = F: L product 11.2.0 dbhome_1 NETWORK ADMIN
NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK (an error will be reported when pl/SQL is enabled ),
The procedure is as follows:
Super mario 64 randomizer rom hack download gba. On the computer --- properties --- advanced system settings ---- System Properties (advanced) --- environment variables --- create TNS_ADMIN and NLS_LANG variable names: TNS_ADMIN and NLS_LANG variable values: TNS_ADMIN = F: CMDL product 11.2.0 dbhome_1 NETWORK ADMIN
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In this case, you can open PL SQL dve.